National Capital Consortium/Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS)
Preventive Medicine
Internal Medicine
USU Global Health Certification (06/30/2020)
Battlefield Acupuncture (04/30/2019)
Graduated 2020
Creighton University School of Medicine
Graduated 2015
University of St. Thomas
B.S. Chemistry
Graduated 2011
Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT) levels:
Italian – General Professional proficiency
French – General Professional to Limited Working proficiency
Spanish – General Professional to Limited Working Plus proficiency
Professional Societies
American College of Preventive Medicine American Medical Association
Catholic Medical Association
American College of Lifestyle Medicine
Journal publications:
- Brief Report: Prevalence of Hepatitis C Virus Infections in U.S. Air Force Basic Military Trainees Who Donated Blood, 2017–2020. MSMR. 2021;28(11):9-10.
- Kieffer JW, Stahlman S. Mental health disorders, behavioral health problems, fatigue and sleep outcomes in remotely piloted aircraft/manned aircraft pilots, and remotely piloted aircraft crew, U.S. Air Force, 1 October 2003-30 June 2019. MSMR. 2021 Aug 1;28(8):14-21. PMID: 34622757.
- Kieffer, John W. “Subsidiarity: Restoring a sacred harmony.” The Linacre Quarterly. 84.1 (2017): 1-9.
- Webber BJ, Kieffer JW, White BK, Hawksworth AW, Graf PCF, Yun HC. Chemoprophylaxis against group A streptococcus during military training. Prev Med. 2019 Jan;118:142-149. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2018.10.023. Epub 2018 Oct 26. PMID: 30393152.
- Joseph E Marcus, MD, William N Bennett, V, MD, Dianne N Frankel, DO, John W Kieffer, MD, Theresa M Casey, DVM, Amanda E Huston, MPH, Courtney N Hintz, MD, Alexander P Keller, IV, MD, Michael T Smolka, DO, Cynthia S Sikorski, MD, Heather C Yun, MD, Matthew J Dolan, MD, John L Kiley, MD, Response to a Serogroup B Meningococcal Disease Case Among Military Trainees, Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 2022;, ofac162, https://doi.org/10.1093/ofid/ofac162https://doi.org/10.1093/ofid/ofac162
- Nazario-Toole A, Nguyen HM, Xia H, Frankel DN, Kieffer JW, Gibbons TF (2022) Sequencing SARS-CoV-2 from antigen tests. PLoS ONE 17(2): e0263794. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0263794
MPH manuscript: The Fecal (Gut) Microbiome and Extended-spectrum Beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (ESBL-PE) Among US/UK Servicemembers Participating in TrEAT TD
- COVID-19 Surveillance Testing and Non-Pharmaceutical Control in AF Basic Training, 26May2021, Diseases in Nature Conference
John W. Kieffer. (2011). Tuning Polydiacetylenes’ Thermochromic Behavior. Oral Presentation presented at: University of St. Thomas Chemistry Seminar; St. Paul, MN.
Preventive Medicine Staff
USUHS Department of Preventive Medicine and Biostatistics (PMB) Adjunct Assistant Professor (09/11/20 – present)
- Preceptor for USUHS PMB resident physicians (#4)
- Faculty facilitator for USUHS medical students in biostats/epi small groups (11/19, 12/20, 06/21, 09/21, 12/21, 01/22, 04/22)
- Faculty co-instructor for Classics in Epidemiology (08/26/21 – 11/04/21)
Residency and GMO Staff:
USUHS Medical Student resident physician faculty
- Served as co-faculty with two others to build curriculum, coordinate other faculty and serve as primary preceptor for USUHS MS3 students for two 1-month rotations during COVID-19 disruption (03/20-05/20)
- Proof-read mid-term and final exams for medical student biostats/epidemiology courses (07/19; 01/20)
USUHS Graduate School of Nursing (GSN) physician faculty
- Pathophysiology lectures to students (09/11/19, 10/14/20, 09/09/21)
- Wrote questions for USU GSN exam (09/19)
USAFSAM Public Health Course curriculum contributor (08/19)
- Built simulated outbreak scenario with data, line list, questions, answers/explanations
Wright-Patterson Medical Center Internal Medicine (08/19)
- Co-lectured internal medicine residents on biostats/epidemiology
THRU Project Advisor; mentor to youth after foster care; monthly meetings with youth to assist in job search, GED, finance, career, etc. (04/16-04/18)
Medical School:
Juan Diego Catholic Charities Immigration Legal Assistance Services; assist immigrants with English, preparation
for naturalization test and application (01/12-01/15)
Institute for Latin American Concern (ILAC), Dominican Republic; Creighton University Women’s Health and Primary Care rotation; performed preventive health screening exams and education and primary care (02/15)
Creighton University (ILAC), Dominican Republic; served as primary care source in rural clinic; hosted educational session to women of the community regarding preventive health; honors in ILAC clerkship (06/14-07/14)
Applied Clinical Skills Course; served as Spanish-speaking standardized patient (04/13)
Advocates Student Group; Spanish translator for parent health education (03/13)
Shadow a Medical Student; hosted sophomore undergraduates in medical courses and lab (11/11-11/12)
El Centro de Estudios Pop Wuj in Xela, Guatemala; six weeks working in primary care clinic and satellite clinics in surrounding villages (05/12-06/12)
Medical Spanish Club; biweekly meetings focused on approach to Spanish –speaking patients (09/11-04/12)
Multicultural Health Sciences Student Association; tutored high school students in math (02/12)
Body Basics; volunteered teaching middle school children basic gross anatomy (09/11)
Comunidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio Volunteer; helped Spanish-speakers with resumes (03/11-05/11)
Italian tutor; tutored fellow AFROTC cadet (03/11)
Tutor-Mentor Volunteer; helped elementary children with reading (09/09-12/09)
Chemistry Tutor, University of St. Thomas Chemistry Department; tutor for students taking general chemistry (02/09-04/09)